Please select the category below to register for the 10th UNAOC Global Forum in Cascais, Portugal. Kindly refer to the Logistical Note for the invitation code specific to your category. Note that attendance is by invitation only.
Official Delegations
You are attending the Forum as part of an Official Delegation representing one of the UNAOC Group of Friends, which includes UN Member States, Observers, and International Organizations.
You are attending the Forum as a Participant. This means that you belong to one or more of the following categories: UN entities that are not members of the UNAOC Group of Friends, non-state actors such as civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, youth-led organizations, academia, foundations, the private sector, etc. Moderators and speakers of plenary and breakout sessions are also part of this category.
If you are attending the Youth Forum as a current beneficiary or an alumnus/alumna/alumni of a UNAOC programme, please contact your UNAOC liaison officer for the unique registration link and access code for youth participants. Do not use any of the other categories to register.
You are a media professional who will be covering the Forum.
Vendors and Suppliers
You are attending this Forum as part of the staff of local vendors, agencies and suppliers.