Thematic Panel 8:
“Enhancing Mediation through Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue and Leveraging the Role of Women Peacemakers”
27 November, Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:30 GMT
Estoril Congress Center, Thematic Room

H.E. Ms. Maria Teresa Fernández de la Vega
President and Founder of Fundación Mujeres por África, First Deputy Prime Minister of Spain (2004-2010)

H.E. Ms. Suzi Carla Barbosa
Special Adviser of the President of the Republic for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Minister of Guinea Bissau (2019-2023)

H.E. Ms. Emanuela Claudia Del Re
European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Sahel

H.E. Mrs. Bouaré Bintou Founé Samaké
President, Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF, Mali); Minister for the Promotion of Women, Children, and the Family of Mali (2020-2021)

Ms. Irene Guia
ACI, Expert in refugees-related issues in Eastern Congo

Dr. Malika Hamdi
Lecturer at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Research Fellow at FRS- FNRS in Brussels

Ms. Caddy Adzuba
President of the Association of Women in the Media (AFEM), President of Pelagie Muhigirwa Foundation, Democratic Republic of Congo