Thematic Panel 6:
“Faith in Dialogue: Religious Mediation for Peace”
27 November, Wednesday, 14:00 – 15:30 GMT
Estoril Congress Center, Thematic Room

Ms. Karen Dresbach
Executive Vice President, Appeal of Conscience Foundation

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati
Secretary-General, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance

Reverend Mr. James Movel Wuye
Co-Director, Interfaith Mediation Center

Ms. Bani Dugal
Principal Representative to the United Nations, Baha'i International Community

Imam Dr. Muhammad Ashafa
Co-Director, Interfaith Mediation Center

Professor Paulo Mendes Pinto
Chair of Religion and Politics, Universidade Lusofona, Portugal

Dr. Fernando Soares Loja
Deputy Chair, Commission of Freedom of Religion

Dr. Mohamed Elbagir Ali Elsanousi
Executive Director, Network of Religious and Traditional Peacemakers