Thematic Panel 3:
“The Contribution of Migration in Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development: Forging a New Social Contract, Sharing Good Practices”
27 November, Wednesday, 09:00 – 11:00 GMT
Estoril Congress Center, Thematic Room

H.E. Mr. Jaume Duch
Minister for European Union and Foreign Action, Government of Catalonia

Mr. Gilles Poux
Mayor of La Courneuve, France

Mr. Carlos Martínez Minguez
Mayor of Soria, Spain

Mr. Alessandro Ghinelli
Mayor of Arezzo, Italy

Dr. Marta Feio
Board Member, AIMA (“Agência para a Integração Migrações e Asilo”)

Mr. Francisco Kreye
Municipal Councilor at the Cascais Administration

Mr. Pär Liljert
Director, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Office at the United Nations in New York