Thematic Panel 1:
“Upending Hate: Turning the Tide against the Global Surge in All Forms of Religious Intolerance, including antisemitism, anti-Muslim Hatred and anti-Christian Bigotry”
26 November, Tuesday, 15:00 – 17:00 GMT
Estoril Congress Center, Thematic Room

Rabbi Andrew Baker
Personal Representative of the Chair-in-Office on Combatting Antisemitism, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and Director of International Jewish Affairs for the American Jewish Committee

H.E. Ms. Evren Dağdelen Akgün
Personal Representative of the Chair-in-Office on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

His Eminence Cardinal John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan
Metropolitan Archbishop Emeritus of Abuja

Dr. Ibrahim Negm
Senior Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Secretary General of Fatwa Authorities Worldwide

Reverend Dr. Anne Burghardt
General Secretary, Lutheran World Federation

Dr. Khalid Sacoor Daoud Jamal
Senior Advisor to the Islamic Community of Lisbon (“Comunidade Islâmica de Lisboa”)

Dr. David Joffe Bote
President of the Jewish Community of Lisbon

Prof. Peter Stilwell
Former Director of the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Portugal, Interreligious Dialogue Specialist at Patriarcado de Lisboa (Catholic Lisbon Archdiocese)

Mr. Alexandre Guessel
Special Representative of the Secretary General on antisemitic, anti-Muslim and other forms of religious intolerance and hate crimes, Council of Europe